Upward Bound Launch Loop Video

2017 June 1, by Isaac Arthur and Colleagues

First, though I wasn't contacted by I.A. beforehand, I'm happy with the video. Thank you to the team.

The video isn't perfect; there are minor errors and invalid additions, but it is well prepared and a very good starting explanation for a lay audience. The launch loop evolves as new technologies develop and new ideas emerge; real costs will drop, though the cost in inflated dollars will rise, so no video will remain up to date. That's what wiki websites are for.

If you want to help, contact me. Don't call; my hearing sucks. I want you to put in the effort to find a valid email address, that filters out the worst time-wasters.

Help is defined as you working on an important problem and producing results. I have very limited time, I can't help you with your problems. Skills needed:

I prefer to work via email and website and papers, in English.

In particular, right now I could use help with OpenACC or CUDA programming for numerical calculations on nVidia math coprocessors. There are some big calculations to do. I use Linux (particularly, Fermilab's "Scientific Linux" clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux ).

I am particularly inclined to work with young engineers from India and China, because these ancient-yet-young cultures are where 80% of the next generation's brightest new inventors will come from. I don't exclude US/EU and others, but most young people from the rich West don't work very hard and don't take care of themselves. I would rather invest my time in ambitious and hard-working young people who will immediately multiply it, however humble or exotic their beginnings.

No, I can't help you find a graduate school or a job or a green card. See the definition of "help" above. If you are not clever enough to help yourself and others, you are not clever enough to help with launchloop.


The video mentions superconductors. Not a good idea. Superconductors can make high magnetic fields with little electric power loss, but superconductivity is a "fragile" state and easily disrupted by fast field changes, temperature changes, welding errors, cosmic rays, and gremlins. A superconducting magnet can't push more flux than an iron/copper magnet through a saturated iron core. A hypothetical superconducting rotor cannot be cooled - black body radiation is proportional to T⁴, so cooling the rotor from 400K to 80K means it can dissipate 625x less power.

Superconductors are complicated; I did my graduate school research on them, and they haven't gotten any simpler. Suggest superconductors to me as a solution for anything (besides measuring quantum interference) and I will assume you are inexperienced and not helpful. Make a commercially successful product with superconductors, and I'll be glad to learn from you.

Costs: the $2B estimate is old, and mostly a "sum of ignorance"; it doesn't include mistakes, pensions, and toilet paper for the bathrooms. The main cost is the power plants that drive the loop, and I've never built a floating gigawatt power plant so I have no idea what one will cost 20 years from now.

Land anchor: Nope. Where there is land, there are shrapnel-sensitive citizens, missile-toting bandits, and interfering governments. We will work with all governments, making favorites means making enemies. The ocean is international; that adds complications, but is a barrier to other problems. Probable first location, 8 degrees south, 120 degrees west in the equatorial Pacific.
