Orbit Circularization

What is the ΔV needed for apogee insertion into a circular equatorial orbit from a launch loop transfer orbit, and for perigee insertion from a space elevator transfer orbit?

The destination orbit has a radius of r_d and a velocity of v_d = \sqrt{ \mu / r_d } were \mu = 398600.4418 km3 / s2.

The loop calculation is fairly simple - an 80 kilometer breech altitude launch loop defines a transfer orbit with a perigee r_p = 6378 + 80 km = 6458 km . The semimajor axis is a = 0.5 * ( r_p + r_d ) , the eccentricity e = ( r_d - r_p ) / ( r_d + r_p ) , the characteristic velocity is v_0 = \sqrt{ \mu / ( a * ( 1 - e^2 ) ) }, and the apogee velocity is v_a = ( 1 - e ) v_0 $. Combining and simplifying:

{v_a}^2 = ( 1 - e )^2 {v_0}^2 = ( \mu / a ) ( 1 - e )^2 / ( 1 - e^2 )

{v_a}^2 = ( 2 \mu r_p ) / ( r_d ( r_d + r_p ) )

v_a = \sqrt{ ( 2 \mu r_p ) / ( r_d ( r_d + r_p ) ) }

\Delta V = v_d - v_a